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Department of Transport and Main Roads

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at Department of Transport and Main Roads

7.5 rating for Recruitment, based on 31 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
The graduate recruitment process has numerous steps, including the initial application, work tests, panel interview and group activity.
Graduate, Brisbane - 02 Nov 2023
Application submission, online assessment, simulation assessments, in-person/ online assessment centre
Graduate, Brisbane - 30 Oct 2023
Extended time between the initial interview process and the response from the company regarding the outcome.
Graduate, Townsville - 30 Oct 2023
The process was lengthy and drawn out with large gaps of no news or updates. The congratulatory phone call to say I was accepted into the role was done at 3:45pm on the 23rd of December (last day of the work year) with the role starting early February. My previous work required that I provide them a month of notice and I only just managed to abide by this which was very stressful.
Graduate, Brisbane - 26 Oct 2023
As far as I remember, we had three recruitments stages: 1) Application and predictive Hire interview, if successful then, 2) Online assessment, if successful then, 3) Final assessment, which involved interviewing, individual assessment and group assessment. If successful, 4) Hurray- Congratulations.
Graduate, Cairns - 25 Oct 2023
It took a long time to get accepted and lots of assessments but overall very well organised.
Graduate, Brisbane - 25 Oct 2023
Recruitment for the graduate program was over the course of a few months, including multiple interviews (in a group and as a individual) and a number of written assessments.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Oct 2023
The interview process is straightforward. There is a couple of assessments you will do, but look on the TMR graduate website for the rundown.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Oct 2023
Was challenging but was also engaging. Long process with several stages.
Graduate, Cairns - 24 Oct 2023
My circumstances are unique as I've come through as a graduate, so the interview process was quite involved and long. There were 3 rounds of assessment post-application: an individual scenario response task, a group scenario response task, and a one-on-one interview with the interviewing panel.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Oct 2023
The overall experience seems quite transparent but does come across as a bit too robotic. Adding a more personal touch or incorporating elements that showcase the company culture could enhance the candidate experience. Additionally, providing clearer communication about the assessment criteria and expectations might help candidates better prepare for the process. Overall, there's room for improvement in terms of humanizing the experience while maintaining transparency.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Oct 2023
Recruitment process was pretty easy, maybe could have given us a bit more material to prepare for the group interview with.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Oct 2023
The interview process for the graduate program (2022) was extensive but very slow, taking more than 4 months. Other job and grad program opportunities came and went in that time.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Oct 2023
Very thorough interview and long assessment process
Graduate, Gold Coast - 24 Oct 2023
Interview process was great, really enjoyed it and thought it made a lot of sense.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Oct 2023
Hiring process was straight forward with questions to answer.
Graduate, Brisbane - 23 Oct 2023
The interview process was good, however a little slow.
Graduate, Rockhampton - 23 Oct 2023
Many assessments occurred, based on personality and intelligence quotient tests. This did take a number of months as recruitment teams within the public service are required to keep lengthy documentation about why they choose the candidates over others.
Graduate, Brisbane - 23 Oct 2023
It is clear and the steps are easy to follow.
Graduate, Rockhampton - 19 Oct 2023
From what I remember, there were quite a few steps from the online personality and capability test, the group meetings and final interview with my now director but it was always made clear what needed to be done and the staff that who were running it always were kind and friendly. I applied straight out of university, and I enjoyed the TMR process the best as I felt comfortable at all stages. TMR was also more forthcoming with information which actually confirmed my decision to stay at TMR.
Graduate, Brisbane - 18 Oct 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
The questions in my interview were generally about my experiences at university and if I had industry experience. As it was for a graduate position though, the questions were general and not technical or specific.
Graduate, Brisbane - 26 Oct 2023
The interview questions were behavioural questions.
Graduate, Cairns - 25 Oct 2023
I remember problem-solving skills, but mainly questions around how you'd handle situations that involve ethical considerations.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Oct 2023
Don't really remember, I think questions about how to deal with a difficult team member, how to handle conflicting deadlines.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Oct 2023
What was one problem/issue I faced in a workplace/school/in general and how did I resolve it - How did you ?nd working in a team with di?ering opinions and how did you manage to work together - Why did you choose your degree and what was your favourite subject that you learned
Graduate, Gold Coast - 24 Oct 2023
My interview was >12 months ago, questions were based on group work and interactions, and problem solving.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Oct 2023
What were some challenges you faced and how did you overcome them?
Graduate, Cairns - 24 Oct 2023
A time you had to undertake team work, competing priorities, project work
Graduate, Brisbane - 23 Oct 2023
About my work experience mainly. Usual questions such as what I consider to be my strengths and weaknesses, and how I work to overcome challenges.
Graduate, Brisbane - 23 Oct 2023
Your performance and skills - your vision and goals - your uniqueness and possible contribution to TMR
Graduate, Brisbane - 18 Oct 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
I always find it helpful to do some research on the department and review key documents (strategic plan, values, annual report etc) so that you can link your examples back to departmental priorities and demonstrate a values alignment.
Graduate, Brisbane - 02 Nov 2023
Be polite and use the right language and tone for a formal situation. listen to the questions and think before you begin your answers. ask the interviewer to repeat or explain further if you do not understand a question. use the STAR method to answer questions about your skills and experience.
Graduate, Brisbane - 30 Oct 2023
The only advice is to expect the process to be lengthy and to be proactive in communicating to the recruitment team.
Graduate, Brisbane - 26 Oct 2023
Learn about TMR. Understand on what TMR does and the culture they are striving for. Have a broad understanding of what roles are on offer and what you would like to do. Don't over-do your preparation, just be fluid and relax. TMR wants to get to know you. Tell them a story about yourself, about your wins and losses in life, and what you learn about them. Just tell them a story. Telling a story is more engaging than facts and figures, you are painting a picture about your personal brand.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Oct 2023
Bring your best self. Be humble and don't be afraid to tell your stories and what makes you unique. The people interviewing you likes to see you be positive and handle yourself in a stressful situation and this will show that you are the best candidate for TMR
Graduate, Gold Coast - 24 Oct 2023
Be prepared for a long hiring process, be patient. Understand how you will promote yourself during the interviews without sounding arrogant.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Oct 2023
Learn about the organisations values.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Oct 2023
Be yourself and do Your best during the numerical and writing stages.
Graduate, Cairns - 24 Oct 2023
Being yourself is paramount. The culture at TMR is diverse and will accommodate all backgrounds, provided you are capable. TMR has a page about vision and values on their main website. These are very important to understand and communicate with in the back of your mind during the interview.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Oct 2023
Not really, just research the company a bit and their values and try to intwine this with your answers
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Oct 2023
Prepare the STAR method of answering questions
Graduate, Brisbane - 23 Oct 2023
Just be yourself and try to promote your strengths in the interview.
Graduate, Rockhampton - 23 Oct 2023
I would recommend to prepare by connecting with what you have enjoyed and disliked about previous roles - this will shed some light on your strengths and weaknesses. Then, I'd research the company you are applying to - check their values and strategic plan, ensure you align or have some experience with these areas.
Graduate, Brisbane - 23 Oct 2023
Just be genuine and prepare lots of behavioural interview questions as that is the type of interview that you will have.
Graduate, Rockhampton - 19 Oct 2023
BE YOUR SELF!!! TMR want the right person that just happens to have the skills that is needed. At least that is my experience. I would also look up standard interviews and prepare a elevator pitch. I did and it helped me relax a bit.
Graduate, Brisbane - 18 Oct 2023
Be very honest and genuine, too many spices on who you are won't help much as the interviewers are smart enough to see it... be yourself. Be positive.
Graduate, Brisbane - 18 Oct 2023