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Career Prospects at Santos

5.7 rating for Career Prospects, based on 23 reviews
Please tell us about promotion possibilities and fill us in on what it takes to move up the ranks.
At the current rate, I do not see myself staying within the company any longer than 4/5 years in total. It is a known fact within the community here that Santos does not attract the high performing Engineers (due to pay & culture), as a young Engineer I want to be working with people who I think are the best in their industries and I am not sure if I have that opportunity here.
Graduate, Perth - 18 Oct 2023
This question is a bit hard to answer at this stage of my career - graduates don't really get promotion or progression opportunities during the Graduate Program. However, there needs to be more clarity around salary progression, job grade changes and opportunities at each stage (year) of the Graduate Program as well as after the program.
Graduate, Perth - 16 Oct 2023
Currently just moving across each department to learn daily tasks .
Graduate, Iagifu Ridge, Southern Highlands Province - 13 Oct 2023
promotion and career progression opportunities are not clear
Graduate, Adelaide - 08 Oct 2023
Well it obviously depends on the individual's performance and how fast and efficient one contributes to achieving the company's goals in a timely manner.
Graduate, Iagifu Ridge, Southern Highlands Province - 05 Oct 2023
I am not yet in a position to be promoted so I don't really have an opinion on this yet. I guess I need to complete the graduate program in order to even think about moving up the ranks of the company.
Graduate, Perth - 05 Oct 2023
this is not very clear and guided from conversations it can be quite difficult to get up the ranks
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Oct 2023
This is an area that Santos SERIOUSLY needs to improve. There is a severe lack of clarity and transparency around this issue. I am not aware of any promotion opportunities. The sentiment in the graduate community is that Santos generally does not promote internally, and that this is just another way to cut costs (see again, the Low-Cost Operating Model). Furthermore, there is no link between competence and promotions as there is in other companies. As graduates, we are not even sure that we will be getting promotions once we come off the graduate program, and this has severely impacted the sentiment in the graduate community. This situation is so bad that I have been told by numerous managers and mentors that if I want to move up the ranks, I am better off MOVING COMPANIES than staying and developing at Santos!!! This has been an issue for as long as I have been at Santos, and it is clear that people are becoming sick of it. Upper management need to DO SOMETHING MATERIAL about it, or the constant haemorrhaging of staff is only going to get worse, particularly among the graduate community.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Oct 2023
Three-year graduate program with three rotations. As I'm only 7 months into my first year, unsure on how promotion opportunities work.
Graduate, Perth - 04 Oct 2023
Don't have enough information to answer. Rules change quickly and not very clear.
Graduate, Perth - 04 Oct 2023
I have not yet had this opportunity and am not aware what criteria are considered when promotions are given. Some promotions I have seen are deserved, and others more so due to social aspects.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Oct 2023
This is something the company needs to address better
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Oct 2023
There are clear pathways for whether you want to get into management (team leader, manager, general manager, VP, EVP) or in technical streams (senior engineer, senior staff engineer, principal engineer)
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023
Career progression/promotions have not been formally discussed with me. There seems to be a lack of transparency/information on this. I have been told by numerous colleagues that there is a negligible pay jump when finishing the grad program - the general consensus here is that the post grad program salary is not competitive with industry peers. The result of this is many of the newly "graduated" young professionals here at Santos looking for employment elsewhere following the program.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Oct 2023
It appears that many graduates may not be inclined toward long-term commitments at Santos, as promotions are notably rare in both technical and managerial lines. Consequently, I suggest that gaining experience here can serve as a valuable stepping stone for future career opportunities elsewhere.
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Oct 2023
Promotion opportunities are not well laid out in the company. Generally subject to your managers discretion and what jobs are available to be applied for internally, which is always pending direct managerial endorsement.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Oct 2023
Unclear on progression beyond grad.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Oct 2023
My early path from graduate to full engineer to senior engineer is fairly clear. Higher level promotions to continue down the technical expert pathway can be difficult to see progression, as described by more senior coworkers. It apparently is not as simple as meeting the requirements, many have had to wait until a space of the next level opened up
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Oct 2023