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Murdoch University Careers Directory Profiles

Showing 4 items

  • Graduate stories
Don’t be afraid to go for roles you wouldn’t typically go for – you won’t know if you enjoy something until you try it, and where you end up can be very different than what you originally planned.

Amelia Rogers

  • Graduate stories
My area of responsibility is to manage the insurance claims that our clients have when unfortunate, but insurable incidents occur for our clients.

Daniel Bartlett

  • Graduate stories
Providing secretariat support for this division was a really exciting piece of work to be involved in and a fantastic introduction to policy work.


  • Day in the life

Katherine Dakkache

It’s the end of the day! I wrap up whatever I am working on and tidy my desk so it is clean for the next day. I have a quick catch-up with my supervisor and team members before I am off to the train station, but somehow I manage a quick elevator selfie because why not?