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Murdoch University Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Take on leadership roles and extracurricular activities in uni! The interpersonal skills you will develop are invaluable when securing grad jobs and excelling in the workplace.

Anna Wright

  • Graduate stories
Always take up every opportunity you are given. There have been many times that I have turned down an opportunity because I didn’t think I was good enough. The opportunities missed could have been very valuable experiences.

Annabelle Fordyce

  • Day in the life

Annabelle Fordyce

Annabelle Fordyce graduated with a double degree of Bachelor of Business (Accountancy) and Bachelor of Mathematics (Operations Research) at the Queensland University of Technology in 2020 and is now a Graduate Assurance Analyst at Mazars Australia.
  • Day in the life

Brittany Ryan

Brittany Ryan graduated with a Bachelor of Actuarial Studies and a Bachelor of Finance from the Australian National University and is now an actuarial associate at PwC.
  • Graduate stories
I am responsible for conducting research on sustainability issues and trends, analysing data and information, and providing insights and recommendations to clients.

Cat Topping

  • Graduate stories
As a Rail Graduate, I am fortunate to be provided with the opportunity to rotate through the business every 6 months, for a period of 2 years.

Christian Douglas

  • Graduate stories
One of my favourite aspects of EY is that it has a culture of constant learning and growth.

Cody Rapley

  • Day in the life

Harrison Sawyer

My current project is within the operations team. We have a daily meeting each morning to communicate any issues and plan the day ahead. It is a great way to have dedicated time to talk about anything within the team! After the meeting, I run through any emails & my agenda for the day whilst I have my breakfast.