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Murdoch University Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Don’t be afraid to go for roles you wouldn’t typically go for – you won’t know if you enjoy something until you try it, and where you end up can be very different than what you originally planned.

Amelia Rogers

  • Graduate stories
The coolest thing about my job is working for the APS. It was a dream of mine to get into public service and do some good every day with my work. You get to learn about so many different areas. That feeling alone is incredibly rewarding and motivating.

Andrew Amos

  • Graduate stories
I love planning awesome lessons that can make maths accessible and fun for all of my students (my class rarely says, ‘I just hate maths’ anymore!).

Christiana Lees

  • Graduate stories
Embrace the unknown, be humble and enjoy the process. Having this mindset can ensure a positive and rewarding learning experience throughout university and beyond.

Izzat Hafiz

  • Day in the life

James Anstey

In addition to working in the office, a bonus of working for the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) is the option to do up to 50% of your work from home.
  • Graduate stories
Providing secretariat support for this division was a really exciting piece of work to be involved in and a fantastic introduction to policy work.


  • Graduate stories
During my studies, I worked in hospitality and at a university college and spent time volunteering at a youth cancer not-for-profit including as a board director.

Sean Dondas

  • Day in the life

Yolante Jones

Yolante Jones graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Murdoch University in 2017 and is now a Donor Relations Officer at The Australian National University (ANU).