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Murdoch University Careers Directory Profiles

Showing 43 items

  • Day in the life

Orienne Glover

  • Day in the life

Rebecca Hale

I’m working on a technology implementation project... which has approximately 8 different streams of work (including HR, Change Management, Procurement, Technology, etc.).
  • Day in the life

Ricky Su

This morning, I had the amazing opportunity to join the Energy Networks and Renewables (EN&R) Roadshow and meet some great people in the field of Ventia.
  • Graduate stories
The connections you make, structured learning and on the job development make for a thoughtful and rewarding graduate program.

Sam Wilson

  • Graduate stories
I’ve enjoyed getting out in the field to collect data and solve challenging problems to help support the ADF.


  • Day in the life

Tayla Hill

To prepare for the site work, I help the geotechnical engineer and senior engineering geologist carefully pick the borehole locations among an array of buried underground services.
  • Graduate stories
The work has been challenging but doable, and as my time goes on in the program, I feel I can give more back to my team and the projects they’re running.


  • Day in the life

Tomas Beak