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Murdoch University Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
The coaching FDM provided really condensed the learning to the most relevant and practical knowledge and skills required on the job

Jorel Basangan

  • Day in the life

Joseline Anthonisamy

Joseline Anthonisamy studied a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance) at Monash University and is now a Sourcing & Procurement Graduate at CSL.
  • Graduate stories
I have had the privilege of working closely with junior and senior lawyers and have really enjoyed the mentorship and support within the firm. I'm lucky to work with some of the smartest lawyers tackling difficult and intricate legal issues

Joseph Lau

  • Day in the life

Joseph Nguyen

Every new starter at Nous gets a buddy when they start, who helps them navigate their new work environment and answers any questions that they have.
  • Graduate stories
The greater the challenge the better. It is a great place to gain experience, which is more valuable than any degree.

Joseph Padua

  • Graduate stories
I truly never know what my next matter will entail, and every time there is something both interesting and challenging to get my head around, which always keeps things feeling fresh and engaging.

Josh Shub

  • Day in the life

Joshua Murison

We have regular work group meetings to get updates on deal progress or meetings about achieving specific milestones in deals.
  • Graduate stories
Throughout my time at Jarden, I have worked with CEOs and CFOs from leading companies in a range of industries needing different solutions to complex problems.

Joshua Murison