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Murdoch University Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Aimee Foster

I join to head to the client meeting rooms to attend my first Extraordinary General Meeting to pass a capital raising capacity resolution. We get to speak to the board and senior executives of the company and watch the voting. Wonderfully, it passes.
  • Graduate stories
When you think about the prospects of international assignments and rotation into other CIMIC Group operating companies, the possibilities are endless for someone starting their career with Sedgman.

Ajith Kocheril

  • Graduate stories
Aside from the impact I have made on the account, my proudest moment was being able to organize volunteering events for HPE employees with Ronald McDonald House.

Alan Ngo

  • Graduate stories
A balanced lifestyle is the key to success. Work hard but also take some time to hang out with friends, play with your pet or go for a run. 

Albert Lam

  • Graduate stories
The other aspect of my job is the ability to look over the whole supply chain from mine to ship within Mineral Resources and that gives me a sense of being impactful, which helps me stay motivated.

Alec Parsons

  • Graduate stories
I love that my job still requires an application of electrical engineering theory – in some roles I have definitely had to dust off the old university textbooks and brush up on some concepts. The application of this theory and realising it out in the field is very rewarding.

Alessio Bresciani

  • Day in the life

Alessio Bresciani

Alessio Bresciani studied a Master of Electrical & Electronic Engineering and is now a Graduate Electrical Engineer at Western Power.
  • Day in the life

Alex Brown

The opportunity to do pro bono work and help vulnerable members of the community is a really rewarding part of my role at Ashurst, so I always make sure to put my hand up to help out when I have the capacity.