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Murdoch University Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Good public transport is something that we all take for granted yet is a fundamental pillar of a functioning city. It reduces wealth inequality and allows people to get to work in an environmentally conscious way. At the end of the day, it benefits the lives of so many people.

Jeffrey Hamilton

  • Graduate stories
I especially enjoy being able to work or test on assets that work 24/7 to power the lives of our community.

Jeffrey Jose

  • Graduate stories
Being able to see the public catching the trains and trams that I’ve worked on brings a great sense of satisfaction and it feels that you are contributing to society.

Jeffrey Or

  • Graduate stories
I thoroughly enjoy project work where I can manage a project from start to end and see it implemented within the business and the positive outcomes of it.

Jenayah Elliott

  • Graduate stories
It is about seeing beyond the task in front of you and understanding how that piece of work fits in with other related programs.

Jennifer Burgess

  • Graduate stories
My role involves helping find candidates for jobs, expanding Fuse’s reach to new companies, and building profiles for potential employers. 

Jennifer Forday

  • Day in the life

Jennifer Lee Forday

Every day, I'm assigned different tasks, and I make it a point to tackle each one unless it's part of an ongoing project. I enjoy the variety, it keeps things interesting and gives me opportunities to learn new things along the way! 
  • Graduate stories
The combination of doing brilliant work with brilliant people is my favourite part of my job. The deals that we work on our market-leading, complex and engaging.

Jennifer Xue