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Murdoch University Careers Directory Profiles

Showing 101 items

  • Graduate stories
I love a lot of things about my job. I especially like being the first person to see the numbers come through for my markets, that’s always really exciting, knowing that you have access to privileged information that no-one else has seen yet.

Eleanor Beavan

  • Graduate stories

Eliza-Jane Pearsall

  • Graduate stories
In my role as an analyst, I spend most of my time doing the maths. This includes processing and manipulating data and updating and building models.

Ellen Adamson

  • Graduate stories
When I compare myself now to when I started I have learned so much and still will continue to learn every day!

Ellen Nagle

  • Graduate stories
I enjoy working with world-class technology and innovative people to develop the best defence capabilities. I am proud to help support the men and women who are serving to protect our nation and its interests. 

Emily Ostler

  • Graduate stories
I love working as a graduate engineer at Viva Energy because it’s a really fulfilling role. I’m consistently challenged in a way that encourages growth, which is something I was looking for in a graduate program!

Emma Filipovski

  • Graduate stories
We have lots of great opportunities here at John Deere and a variety of different skill sets that we look for, ultimately all you need is a passion for agriculture and being part of a strong team.

Emma Ford

  • Graduate stories
I love the process of starting with lots of disparate, muddy information about a situation and synthesising until I have an insight that brings the situation into focus.

Ethan Barden