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Murdoch University Careers Directory Profiles

Showing 11 items

  • Graduate stories
I’ve never worked anywhere that values connection and teamwork so highly... There’s such a great support network here, both clinically and personally.


  • Graduate stories
I’ve never worked anywhere that values connection and teamwork so highly... There’s such a great support network here, both clinically and personally.


  • Day in the life

Naomi Seymore

I have a quick catchup with my workgroup partner regarding any file questions I have. We have an open-door policy so it is quick and easy to ask questions during the day.
  • Day in the life

Naomi Seymore

I have a quick catchup with my workgroup partner regarding any file questions I have. We have an open-door policy so it is quick and easy to ask questions during the day.
  • Graduate stories
Get involved – being a lawyer is all about being involved in your community, the sooner the better.

Naomi Seymore

  • Graduate stories
Get involved – being a lawyer is all about being involved in your community, the sooner the better.

Naomi Seymore

  • Graduate stories
I love client appointments and interacting with people. Our clients are all very pleasant to deal with and are often very appreciative of our advice.

Rachel McCulloch

  • Graduate stories
I love client appointments and interacting with people. Our clients are all very pleasant to deal with and are often very appreciative of our advice.

Rachel McCulloch

  • Day in the life

Rachel McCulloch

Our firm runs an in-house mentoring program where junior solicitors meet monthly with a Partner who acts as their mentor and go through a strategic agenda which assists us with our personal and professional development.
  • Day in the life

Rachel McCulloch

Our firm runs an in-house mentoring program where junior solicitors meet monthly with a Partner who acts as their mentor and go through a strategic agenda which assists us with our personal and professional development.
  • Day in the life

Riley Milton

I receive a new task for a Planning and Environment matter. The task involves writing a letter in response to a Council considering that some development approvals have lapsed.
  • Day in the life

Riley Milton

I receive a new task for a Planning and Environment matter. The task involves writing a letter in response to a Council considering that some development approvals have lapsed.
  • Graduate stories
The coolest thing about my job is being able to continue learning and develop my legal knowledge, and applying that knowledge in a practical setting which leads to helping clients.

Riley Milton

  • Graduate stories
The coolest thing about my job is being able to continue learning and develop my legal knowledge, and applying that knowledge in a practical setting which leads to helping clients.

Riley Milton

  • Day in the life

Teagan Sloane

I had a quick meeting with a client to sign some documents and discuss the steps moving forward for the purchase of their Property.  
  • Day in the life

Teagan Sloane

I had a quick meeting with a client to sign some documents and discuss the steps moving forward for the purchase of their Property.