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Alluvium Group

  • 100 - 500 employees

Gretel Fleeting

As a team, we like to take 5 minutes to stand up and move around. This can include anything from a light stretch to a push-up challenge … whatever you feel like doing, fitting in 5 minutes is a great way to take a break from the screen and get the blood flowing.

6.20 AM

The alarm goes off and I get up and get ready for the gym.

7.00 AM

Arrive at the gym and work out for 45 minutes. Fitting in a gym session before work sets me up for a very productive day.

8.00 AM

Shower and walk to work. On the walk, I enjoy listening to music, a podcast, or calling a friend.

8.40 AM

Arrive at work and make my breakfast. Sit down at my desk, have a chat with my colleagues, check my emails and calendar, and write myself a to-do list.


9.00 AM

Check-in (either via email or video call) with my project manager to update them on my progress, talk through any challenges, chat about any updates from the client, and figure out the next steps. If I am light on work, I’ll let the team know I can take up tasks.

9.40 AM

Coffee time! As a team, we all grab our mugs and head down to the local coffee shop. One strong oat cap for me, please … or iced oat latte in the warmer months.


10.00 AM

On Tuesdays, we have a team meeting. There we run through current, potential, and future projects, team movements, what’s in the news, and celebrations. The chairperson wraps the meeting up with a quick 5 – 10-minute snapshot of a project they have been working on. The project snapshot is an excellent way to see the range of projects that people within the company are involved in.

10.45 AM

Start working through my to-do list and checking in with my project manager if I have any questions along the way. My to-do list could include undertaking preliminary research on projects – identifying previous research and where there are gaps, attending client meetings and taking notes, reviewing policies, supporting the analysis and write-up of reports, and taking up ad-hoc tasks, such as restructuring reports, developing diagrams and creating workshop materials.

1.00 PM

Lunchtime! Today it is a chicken and quinoa salad … yum! If it’s a Thursday, I’ll spend my lunch break swimming laps at the local pool with a few colleagues. I find that exercising during my lunch break sets me up for a great second half of the day.

2.15 PM

Check and respond to emails. Keep working through the to-do list and attend any team or client meetings.

3.30 PM

5 minutes of movement. As a team, we like to take 5 minutes to stand up and move around. This can include anything from a light stretch to a push-up challenge … whatever you feel like doing, fitting in 5 minutes is a great way to take a break from the screen and get the blood flowing.


5.15 PM

Start wrapping up for the day. Notify the project manager of any work that needs reviewing and carry over any unfinished tasks to the next day’s to-do list.

5.30 PM

Walk or catch the bus home. Make myself dinner and watch some TV or go out for dinner with friends. If it is a Tuesday, I’ll eat dinner and then head to Spanish class.

10.30 PM

Time to go to sleep!

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